This reminds me of another incident that occurred during a trip to San Francisco last year. I'm pulling out of a shopping center, with the sun in my eye. For this reason, I inch out slowly.. only to see a car speed pass and honk at me, screaming and yelling. When I finally pull out of the shopping center, I was stopped at a red light waiting in traffic next to that same exact car. Out of curiosity, I turn over to see two teenagers (driver and passenger) giving me the middle finger. They continue to yell and scream with their windows up and my windows up. Um, I can't hear you?
I ignored them, but my boyfriend as the passenger became very irritated and started motioning and giving them other not so pleasant gestures. Finally, the light turns green and the car in front starts to move so I start driving. Crazy teenagers are still yelling at me w/ their windows up. They see my car move, and begin accelerating to catch up with me. Next thing you know, BAM! The car in front of them was still at a stop.
Word of advice: Please don't endanger other people's safety by going on road rage. And please use some discretion before you go off at other people. I wish people wouldn't be so angry when they drive, because honestly, nobody is a perfect driver under certain traffic conditions or in my case, the sun being in my eye. And sometimes, MAYBE sometimes, it is your own fault for going too fast or having broken tail lights.
Reference: NY Daily News